King Jackal

Species: Goblin
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 5'5
Leader of: Kuun Kingdom
King Jackal is the king of Kuun Kingdom. His favorite things are drinking and watching games (especially fighting) in the arena, sitting in the seat made for him. The way he treats his citizens, especially prisoners, may seem cruel to other nations. The citizens don't really complain, because this is basically the nature of goblins, orcs, and trolls here. They don't exactly recognize that it's cruel, they might even enjoy it. Jackal does not really enforce rules so there could be alot of chaos or crime under his rule. Jackal likes to throw events in his favorite bar as an excuse to drink most of the time. If his thieves happen to capture any other species, like humans or elves, he will either put them to work or participate in the arena without a choice. This makes other leaders from the other nations angry at him. King Jackal is not the best peace maker. He doesn't really want it anyway, he and the goblins enjoy war. He lets his citizens pillage parts of other nations or people who live off grid.
Important Relationships
Leprosy is King Jackal's favorite knight. He basically views her like his daughter and has a (visible to everyone) soft spot for her. He especially enjoys watching her participate in the arena, and he never doubts that she will win.
King Jackal's Claymore